Impostor syndrome

Sometimes you realise within the blink of an eye that someone understands you perfectly, even without having shared much of yourself. That’s the feeling I had when Susie Jackson answered a question of mine in her recent online workshop on setting prices. The workshop delved into the factors that freelancers should take into account when setting prices and was well-attended by SENSE members.

Now what was my question you might ask? I don’t remember it verbatim, but it concerned my first-ever paid blogging gig. Through participating in a workshop at my co-working space in Deventer, I had landed a paid writing assignment. As I was also working as a consultant, I hadn’t planned on working on a writing assignment. But it came about through a wonderful interaction with people I now call my friends. I think many freelancers will recognise this setting.

I had shared with Susie that I felt lucky to have the opportunity to write the blog, combining my love for writing and my PhD background in the political dimension of food and agriculture. And while that’s all very true, I will repeat this: I felt lucky to be able to write a blog on topics that I am beyond qualified to write about. Perhaps it comes as no surprise to you that Susie immediately ‘diagnosed’ me with impostor syndrome, but for those less familiar with the term: let me explain.

Impostor syndrome is generally considered as a collection of feelings of inadequacy. Future Learn offers a succinct yet comprehensive definition: ‘An internal experience and thought process believing that you are not as competent as others perceive you to be. It can affect anyone, no matter their social status, work background, skill set or expertise’. According to Psychology Today, it is more prevalent among women than men.

As you can imagine, experiencing impostor syndrome or its associated feelings has an impact. SENSE chair Sally Hill has written about this on the SENSE blog previously. What made Susie’s workshop so useful is that she connected underlying reasons and drivers to the process of setting prices, which is sometimes done without much critical reflection, following industry averages. If we don’t take time to stop and check, the emotions connected to a wider feeling of being out of place or performing above one’s level – even though misplaced – can have a direct impact on income.

For those who want to know more, you can follow the embedded links above and read Susie’s own blog about the topic, which contains many practical tips.

Blog post by: Justa Hopma
LinkedIn: justa-hopma
Instagram: @justaschrijft

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