2024 AGM

On 23 March, I had the pleasure of attending my first SENSE Annual General Meeting (AGM) and in-person SENSE event. I joined SENSE in 2023 to participate in the mentorship program (which I highly recommend) and have participated in many of SENSE’s virtual events. Though I’m currently located in the US, my goal is to eventually move to the EU. The AGM presented the perfect opportunity to network with SENSE members, explore Utrecht, and learn more about living and working as a foreigner in the Netherlands.

At its surface, the AGM is a chance to swear in new members of the Executive Committee (EC), vote on motions, and address any outstanding business. However, it is also a chance for SENSE members to come together, share updates about their year, discuss changes in the industry, and enjoy a day of camaraderie with fellow English-language professionals.

The pre-meeting

The AGM was held at Park Plaza in Utrecht. Before the meeting, attendees met for coffee, tea, and a book exchange. Despite it being a gathering of English-language professionals, the books displayed by those gathered spanned the gamut of languages and genres. Both the book exchange and the social hour were a great way for us to get acquainted, excited and caffeinated for the meeting.

The meeting

The AGM was attended by 31 members from around the Netherlands and abroad. Some of the highlights of the meeting included the following:

  • Sally Hill, current SENSE Chair, announced that she would be stepping down at the 2025 AGM.
  • Samuel Murray was unanimously sworn in for another term on the EC, with the title Web Manager. Alison Gibbs was unanimously sworn in as the new Audit Committee reserve.
  • Several new Team Leaders were introduced, including myself (Social Media Coordinator), Lizzie Kean (CPD Coordinator), and Becky Tomas (SIG and Social Events Coordinator).
  • The SENSE website is currently being updated, and a new version of the site will be released in 2024.

In addition to the planned meeting itinerary, we also had several interesting discussions about the current state of the industry, including the following:

  • The role that AI will play in the editing and translating fields going forward.
  • The financial protections for freelancers when agencies go bankrupt, with a focus on whether the Covenant had any specific guidelines.

In general, the AGM was a wonderful way for members to learn more about the workings of SENSE and to see the hard work that has contributed to making SENSE the wonderful organization it is today.

The post-meeting

Following the meeting, we were invited to the hotel lobby for drinks and discussions, and then a small group continued on to dinner at a restaurant nearby. The events following the meeting allowed members to network with new colleagues and catch up with old ones, all while enjoying delicious food and beverages.

The incredible network of mentors, colleagues, friends and fellow language nerds that SENSE has assembled is never so apparent as it is during these events. I am very grateful that I was able to attend, and I look forward to more AGMs in the years to come.

Blog post by: Taylor Steed

LinkedIn: taylor-steed