Starters SIG - PDD Brainstorm

From 18 May 2021 19:30 CEST until 18 May 2021 21:00 CEST

At Zoom online meeting

Posted by Anne Oosthuizen


Categories: SIG meetings

Tags: startersig

Hits: 884

We would like to invite you to our brainstorm session about the upcoming Professional Development Day (PDD), which SENSE will organise in September.

We want to encourage as many Starters as possible to get involved! This could mean presenting on a topic or volunteering to play Zoom host during the event. We'd like to welcome anybody with an idea for a presentation as well as anyone who is happy to give feedback or think along to this brainstorm session.

Please bring some ideas (even if they're not fully formed!), some smiles and some drinks! We look forward to helping you develop ideas for presentations and hearing what topics and themes you'd like to see covered at the PDD.
