Utrecht SIG: How do we translate?

From 09 November 2022 19:30 CET until 09 November 2022 21:30 CET
Hits: 1557

Let's talk about how we translate and learn tips and tricks from each other.

Do you write a very rough first draft?
Are you a 'first-time-right' translator?
When do you do your research, before you start or as you go along?
What tools do you use?
How many passes do you make before you finalise your translation?

This theme is inspired by the keynote talk Daniel Hahn gave at the ITI conference in Brighton. 

To give everyone a chance to contribute, we'll split into small groups for discussion and then report back.

See you online on Wednesday, 9 November at 19:30.

Jenny Zonneveld
Utrecht SIG convener