English as a Lingua Nordica 2024: Language in a Changing World

From 30 August 2024 until 31 August 2024
Hits: 352

English as a Lingua Nordica (ELN) is a seminar series by Nordic Editors and Translators (NEaT), a community of English-language professionals in and beyond the Nordic countries. Join us in Turku/Åbo for this two-day conference organized together with trade union Kieliasiantuntijat (Language Experts) entitled 'English as a Lingua Nordica: Language in a Changing World' (#ELN2024). See programme and information.

Registration is now open: register here.Turku

Turku/Åbo is a bilingual city in southwest Finland, with a direct ferry link to Stockholm, good train connections to Helsinki, and a strong tradition of language and translation studies. The venue, Visitor and Innovation Centre Joki, is located at the heart of the Turku Science Park, between the universities.